In his commentary in the Wall Street Journal, California Farmers Aren't the Water Hogs, Ted Sheely discusses the blame farmers are asked to take for the water shortage in California. Sheely, a farmer himself in California's San Joaquin Valley, argues that the media is not reporting the full picture. The...
The multiple benefits of gypsum in agriculture
If considering a purchase of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum), it is important to understand the many varied benefits and when they take effect in agriculture. As both a soil amendment and a crop nutrient source, gypsum will remediate sodic soils, help manage saline irrigation waters, provide calcium and sulfur as crop...
What’s your grade? Agricultural or solution?
Agricultural or solution? When reading marketing literature about gypsum, we often see gypsum referred to as solution grade gypsum. This product is primarily targeted for the irrigation market. Is solution grade gypsum any different than conventional gypsum? Gypsum is sold as either powdered ag-gyp or pelletized gypsum. However, ag-gyp can be marketed as...