Salt Lake City Soil Remediation


There is no denying the fact that there is a large problem with soil contamination. Whether the reasons behind the contamination are man-made or natural, there is the need of land remediation. Having the help of an experienced and reliable company for remediating the soil is necessary to bring the soil back to acceptable levels.

Get in touch with EcoGem for the best quality products for contaminated soil remediation in the Salt Lake City, UT area. We are an experienced company that has been offering different products for land remediation for a long time. Call us for contaminated soil remediation products that are efficient in remediating the soil against contaminants like:

  • Industrial pollutants
  • Inorganic fertilizers
  • Chlorinated organic toxins
  • Pesticides

We provide the best engineered products for contaminated soil treatment so that more land is arable and that the crop yield is high.

Salt Lake City Land Remediation


It is essential to pay attention to land remediation, as slowly we are losing arable land. This will result in lesser land to grow crops on and the available land does not yield high crop production. Consulting with and taking the recommendation of the best people in the business is imperative for overall land remediation in Salt Lake City.

Trust our high-quality products for land remediation in Salt Lake City. We have been serving in this capacity for a long time and offer the best organic products in the industry. It is essential to look for ways of contaminated soil remediation because soil pollution leads to:

  • Inferior crop quality
  • Harmful effects on human health
  • Negative impact on ecosystem and biodiversity

Based on your soil type and the contaminants that have polluted it, we will recommend our best remediation products.

Salt Lake City Contaminated Soil Remediation


The right remediation methods and techniques must be used based on the contaminant type and its concentration. This is a task that is best handled by experts as they use approved diagnostic techniques to find the actual cause and extent of soil contamination.

Count on us when you require products to handle contaminated soil remediation around Salt Lake City. Some of the techniques that we suggest for our clients include:

  • Soil vapor extraction
  • Thermal treatment
  • Stabilization
  • Solidification

Get in touch with our consultants to learn more about our products and their pricing.

Call EcoGEM at (303) 500-6944 for contaminated soil remediation products in the Salt Lake City area.