Learn about the different sources of gypsum

Not all gypsum products are alike and some can be downright ineffective and even hazardous so know what you are buying before you purchase and apply it. Gypsum can be mined from deposits or derived as a by-product from industrial processing. Synthetic gypsum can come from citric and lactic acid...

How the sulfur cycle works in crop nutrition

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for crops. The element is primarily found in sedimentary rocks, but it also cycles between the soil, living things and the atmosphere. Learn about how the sulfur cycle works in crop nutrition to understand how applying sulfur may help your production and profits.     Why...

My plan for a 2014 field study using gypsum

2014 Gypsum Studies Truth be known, I am a fan of gypsum. I have written about it and studied marketing pieces, research data and scientific articles. But at the end of the day, I like what it does to the soil. My current passion is improving soil health. If I...

Gypsum, organic matter & the do’s and don’ts of soil compaction

What is Soil Compaction? Soil compaction reduces porosity and impedes water and nutrient flow and root growth. It is generally induced by man-made activities and often requires man-made actions to remediate. If compaction is left unchecked, it will have negative impacts on soil, root growth and plant development. Compaction is always a...

Learn how gypsum helps growers use less water

Gypsum Improves Water Efficiency Gypsum provides many benefits to the soil including water storage. Calcium sulfate impacts soil structure which influences its ability to capture and store water. Calcium in gypsum helps flocculate soil particles together into more naturally aggregated peds that improves structure and increases porosity. This probably is...