Agriculture remains the single largest employer in the world, providing livelihoods for 40 percent of today’s global population. The world’s 500 million small farms provide up to 80 percent of the food consumed. However, 800 million people worldwide still need more regular access to adequate amounts of food. Adding to...
EcoGEM’S ORGANIC Soil Enhancer can help your situation! Our product reduces puddling, ponding, and wet spots because it flocculates the soil – binds the clay into loosely aggregated pods, which improves water infiltration and water retainage in the pods. This captures the water, minimizing the puddling and allowing you access...
Spring Is Around the Corner! Is Your Lawn Ready? If you are looking to enhance the soil of your lawn and garden, your search ends with EcoGEM. Want to know why? ✅ EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer improves the ability of your soil to increase its oxygen and water holding capacity in...
Farming is a complex enterprise, encompassing various aspects from the choice of seeds to the quality of the final product upon delivery to clients and consumers. Amidst the myriad of considerations, it is easy to overlook the source of our food, given the abundant display of food items on supermarket...