Golf Courses
Golf Courses

A golf course is a living breathing thing…… It is a lifelong process – to which the greatest attention needs to be given1.

Ideal for Golf Course Applications
Golf Course Superintendents have one major objective – turf/course health. In particular, golf course Superintendents must deal with the complexities of fairways, tee boxes, and greens with their unique characteristics and challenges. Although the issues vary and are many, our focus is on turf management. Golf Course Superintendents turf management responsibilities include;
  • Ensuring a quality playing surface that looks and feels great;
    • This would include managing the soils on which the greens, fairways, and roughs grow – soil conditioning, amending the soil, and providing necessary nutrients
  • Managing the water resources required to maintain the course;
    • Managing the salts/chlorine normally associated with irrigation water, especially if effluent water is used
    • Minimizing water usage
    • Ensuring the ponds and streams throughout the course are pristine and not with algae
  • Maintaining of the turf throughout the year
    • Mowing, planting, changes to the course
    • Ensure proper drainage following storms and irrigation

Recognizing that the turf is a living organism, the Golf Superintendent needs reliable and proven tools to assist him/her in managing the turf. EcoGEM’s Bio-Stimulant Soil Enhancer is that product. Scientifically proven, certified for organic use, and a natural mineral, EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer can provide:

  • Soil conditioning for softer greens and less watering
  • Soil amendment for consistently beautiful fairways3
  • Nutrient absorption for healthier turf
  • Improved soil structure that improves water, fertilizer, and air infiltration4, allowing the water and nutrients to get to the grass roots and nurture the plushness while reducing water requirements;
  • Absorbs the damaging salt5in the soil, effluent, and irrigation water to ensure the grass remains green all year6

Although well-conditioned greens require intensive management, fairways can also be problematic. Both require significant water to maintain their look and feel. When used on a regular basis, EcoGEM Soil Enhancer improves soil structures, remediating compacted soils. As the soil becomes less compact, microscopic channels are created whereby the water can flow to the deep roots of the grass. This nurtures the grass, and as a result can reduce water usage by 20-30%.

Poor drainage complicates conditions of sodic soils, especially in the regions where many courses must irrigate with effluent water, often high in bicarbonate and sodium levels. EcoGEM Soil Enhancer is the ideal solution for such soil conditions because it will improve water infiltration rates in soils by remediating and preventing swelling clays and crusting. 


This product also dramatically reduces chemical runoff into our lakes and rivers2.

This product should also be applied to areas deficient in nutrients including Calcium and Sulfur. EcoGEM Soil Enhancer will remove harmful salts7 from the soil without increasing soil pH and can be applied without fear of “burning”. With improved soil structure, the salts and other toxins are neutralized or pushed below the root zone to enhance nutrient absorption allowing you to reduce your usage of fertilizers and other nutrients while providing the essential Calcium and Sulfur your turf needs to thrive.

Problem/Solutions Q&A:
  • How do I prevent crusting of the soil during the warmer summer months?
    • Soil crusting arises from unaggregated clay particles common in tough summer weather conditions. EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer stabilizes the soil to prevent this crusting, and in turn, helps reduce the spread of weeds (like poa annua) and also reduces runoff and erosion.
  • How do I reduce my fertilizer usage and cost?
    • By enhancing the soil structure creating microscopic channels in the soil, EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer increases the soil infiltration rates for expensive fertilizers by up to 3 times over non-treated soils, holds nutrient residues, and reduces the runoff of fertilizers into ponds and waterways. This enhanced infiltration allows the fertilizer to move to the lower root level and enables better absorption into the plant. This allows you to reduce fertilizer usage and costs.
  • How can I reduce my water requirements and costs?
    • EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer improves water infiltration 3-5 times on treated soils reducing compacted soils that harm root systems and prevent the uptake of moisture and oxygen
    • This generates Cost Savings by reducing water usage (and associated maintenance/utilities/downtime), turf repairs, and minimizes the amount of fertilizers needed.
  • How can I improve drainage after a heavy rainfall or over watering?
    • Poor water drainage or overwatering is a common problem which can stress root zones in grasses and turfs. This makes the soil more prone to compaction which prevents water from infiltrating the soil and getting to the root zone. By improving the soil structure, EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer can create microscopic channels which allows the water to permeate the soil and minimize compaction. The water is absorbed into the soil and retained for plant use rather than ponding on the surface of the ground.
  • How can I reduce puddling and standing water in high traffic areas?
    • EcoGEM Soil Enhancer will allow faster recovery of the soil surface and minimize, or eliminate, puddling and standing water.
    • Poor water drainage or overwatering is a common problem which can stress root zones in grasses and turfs. This makes the soil more prone to compaction which prevents water from infiltrating the soil and getting to the root zone. By improving the soil structure, EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer creates microscopic channels which allow the water to permeate the soil and minimize compaction and hence water remaining on the surface of the ground.
    • EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer improves water infiltration 3-5 times on treated soils reducing compacted soils that harm root systems and prevent the uptake of moisture and oxygen.
  • How do I prevent fungi and root rot on my turf and in roughs?
    • In addition to developing a healthy soil structure, EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer provides vital calcium to the roots which strengthens the plant cell walls by slowing the digestion of fungal enzymes and neutralizing acids that produce mold fungus, thereby decreasing or preventing various types of root rot.
  • How do I neutralize acidic soils, soils with a high pH level?

    • EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer creates a neutral pH by binding the acid molecules to Calcium. This also enables much needed microorganisms, which create organic matter, to detoxify harmful toxins and suppress disease organisms that thrive in acid soils.
  • How do I correct for sodic/salty soils?
    • Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate, the primary ingredient in EcoGEM’s Soil Enhancer, is one of the only known mineral in the world to correct for salty soils which are common in areas near the oceans, in high desert, or in areas with drought conditions. These soils have less porosity which minimizes air and moisture transfer in the soil. The Calcium binds with the salts to help aggregate the soil which improves soil structure and creates pores that allow for moisture and air mobility within the soil.

Golf Course Management


Great attention needs to be given for the job of golf course management. EcoGEM provides golf course solutions when it comes to the tedious task of golf course management. The major objective for golf course management is taking care of the health and maintaining golf courses. With their unique characteristics, golf course management involves the complexities of greens, tee boxes and fairways. We focus on turf management with it comes to maintaining golf courses.

Those maintaining golf courses turns to us for:

  • Golf course management of fairways
  • Golf course management with soil conditioning
  • Golf course management with amending soil
  • Golf course management with providing nutrients

For needs of golf course management, contact EcoGEM today.

(303) 500-6944

Read more

1American Society of Golf Course Architects website Opening Quote

2 Truman et al, 2010

3Loveday J. (1981) Soil Management and amelioration. Abbot TS, Hawkins CA and Searle, PGE, eds. National soils conference 1980. Review Papers, pp 39-57. Glen Osmond, Australia: Australia Society of Soil Science Inc.

4 Truman et al 2010,

5Determining the Gypsum Requirement for Reclamation of Sodic and Sodium Impaired Soils. Dellavalle N. and Walworth J. Crops & Soils Magazine, May-June, 2020

6 Test of Calcium Sulfate on Sodic Soil in China, Xu, 2006.

7Determining the Gypsum Requirement for Reclamation of Sodic and Sodium Impaired Soils. Dellavalle N. and Walworth J. Crops & Soils Magazine, May-June, 2020
